Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Breaking news! Female Goldfinch caught stealing thistle seed while impersonating Groucho Marx!

Love the Monarch!

              Always love the Monarch!                                    

A Male Widow Skimmer

Not sure what type of dragonfly this is..but he sure has a funny little face. May be from the Meadowhawk family.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

July 1st full Moon. Known as the Full Buck Moon, when young bucks start growing their antlers. Or Full Thunder Moon as thunderstorms are more frequent in July. A neat link to names and meanings of Full Moons.

Was out with my camera last week,,wasn't having any luck spotting any birds or butterflies. Decided I needed coffee,,went through McDonald's drive through. When I rolled my window down I could hear a familiar high pitch sound. Grabbed my coffee and parked. I saw Cedar Waxwings grabbing berries off a tree . I couldn't get out as I would have scared them away..so I leaned out the window like the "Bird Paparazzi" trying to get a picture! I'm sure people passing by thought I was a crazy lady smile emoticon Quality of picture isn't all that great..but you can see how beautiful their markings are.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The dreaded Thistle..hated by many lawn owners. :)  In the wild they are very beneficial to Bees and Butterflies. When they dry out and get "puffy"..the Goldfinch love them!

The House Finch must really have a sweet tooth! Went from drinking the Hummingbird syrup to cleaning out the Oriole feeder every other day!! 

I think he needs a napkin!